ZE:A’s Dongjun revealed an interesting tidbit about his fanbase a few days ago – according to a few sources, the idol is especially popular amongst the Thai transgender population!
During a recent interview, Dongjun stated, “We returned from promotions in Thailand [and one thing I noticed is that] the difference between Thai and Korean fans [is that] there are many transgender fans [in Thailand.] They are so pretty and very girlish. They called me ‘oppa,’ then they told me they are transgender.”
Dongjun showed no signs of prejudice against these fans, however; rather, he was smiling as he continued on and gave examples of some of his transgender fans. “There is this Chinese fan, he sends me a frog as a present every day. Of course they are not living frogs, but […] pens, spoons, and other things, all frog-shaped. Of course I’m thankful because he thinks of me, but receiving a frog every day makes me curious [as to] what the meaning behind those presents [is.]”
Any ideas as to what frogs may have to do with the talented singer?
Source: sports chosun
Translation: akucun@empire children
Written by: shadesofgrey@kpoplive.com
Take out with full and proper credits!!!
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