Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[180810] Leeteuk revealed the reason for making phone calls or wearing sunglasses in airport

Leeteuk’s advice of “Airport Fashion” – “Has to dress up discreetly”

On the episode of SBS Strong Heart on the 18th, there was a topic on airport fashion and Leeteuk states “If we go to the airport, fans will be waiting for us with those super clear and HD cameras”

In order to make the fans’ attention focus onto him, Leeteuk will start being troubled the day before. He states “Sunglasses is a must, but don’t let people feel that you do it on purpose”, keep on emphasizing the need to be very natural, yet not that natural.

After looking through the Hollywood artists fashion, he states he will normally “walk and paused for a while, or to pretend to pick up a call even though there isn’t any”

Because will feel very old-fashioned if he holds onto the passport in the normal way, he will normally put it together with his clothes, telling the guests in Strong Heart all sorts of “Airport Fashion”.

In addition, Leeteuk also revealed the reason why Eunhyuk seemed to be the most old-fashioned one in the airport. Leeteuk says “Eunhyuk will always wear his glasses whenever we go to the airport”, “carrying the expensive/ branded luggage that fans gave him and walk around the airport”, causing everyone to laugh.

Chinese Translation: 特吧-小蕾
English Translation: minoko2440 @
Take out with full credits and do not add yourself to the credits

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