Friday, August 20, 2010

[190810] Suju Leeteuk to Miss Korea Jung Sora : “Thanks for chosing me as your ideal type”

Super Junior Leeteuk says thank you to 2010 elected miss Korea Jung sora

Leeteuk posted on the 19th on twitter “I saw the broadcast with miss Korea Jung Sora saying I was her ideal type. Thank you, Jung Sora-sshi.”

On the 16th, Jung Sora pointed out on SBS ‘Bae kiwon, Choi yunga and Cho hyeungki’s good morning’that Leeteuk was her ideal type. She also revealed: “when I appeared on Strong Heart I received a lot of help from Leeteuk”

When seeing this broadcast Leeteuk wanted to give his thanks to Jung Sora through twitter.

Meanwhile Jung Sora will appear on the august 31st episode of SBS Strong Heart.

Original source
Translated by OhㅡDɑrℓing♥ (Alice) @
Take out with full credits, Do not add your own.

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